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Guide to Google Cloud's Pub/Sub, Cloud Scheduler, Pub/Sub Lite, and Pub/Sub Schemas


A Comprehensive Guide to Google Cloud's Pub/Sub, Cloud Scheduler, Pub/Sub Lite, and Pub/Sub Schemas

In the era of distributed systems and microservices, reliable messaging and scheduling services are vital for building scalable and decoupled applications. Google Cloud offers a suite of services tailored for these needs:

  • Pub/Sub: A global, real-time messaging service for event ingestion and delivery.
  • Cloud Scheduler: A fully managed cron job service for automating tasks.
  • Pub/Sub Lite: A cost-effective messaging solution for high-throughput workloads with predictable traffic patterns.
  • Pub/Sub Schemas: A feature for enforcing message structure and validating data.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore these services in depth, covering:

  1. Introduction to Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Schemas
  2. Setting Up Pub/Sub with Schemas
  3. Creating a Cloud Function Triggered by Pub/Sub
  4. Automating Tasks with Cloud Scheduler
  5. Getting Started with Pub/Sub Lite
  6. Conclusion
  7. References

Introduction to Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Schemas

Pub/Sub Overview

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully managed messaging service designed to ingest and deliver event data between applications. It decouples senders and receivers, allowing for asynchronous communication and scalable architectures.

Key Concepts:

  • Topic: A named resource to which messages are sent by publishers.
  • Subscription: A named resource representing the stream of messages from a single, specific topic, to be delivered to the subscribing application.
  • Publisher: An application that creates and sends messages to a topic.
  • Subscriber: An application that receives messages from a subscription to process them.

Pub/Sub Schemas

Pub/Sub Schemas allow you to define the structure of messages using schema definitions. This ensures that all messages published to a topic conform to a specific format, enabling data validation and reducing errors.


  • Data Quality: Enforce message structure to ensure data integrity.
  • Schema Evolution: Manage changes to data structures over time.
  • Cross-Language Support: Use schemas defined in languages like Avro or Protocol Buffers.

Setting Up Pub/Sub with Schemas

In this section, we'll walk through creating a Pub/Sub schema, using it to define a topic, and then publishing messages that conform to the schema.


  • A Google Cloud project with billing enabled.
  • Access to the Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell.

Creating a Pub/Sub Schema

Let's create a schema named city-temp-schema with the following Avro schema definition:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "CityTemperature",
  "fields": [
      "name": "city",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "temperature",
      "type": "double"
      "name": "pressure",
      "type": "int"
      "name": "time_position",
      "type": "string"


  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub Schemas:

    In the Google Cloud Console, click on Navigation Menu (☰) > Pub/Sub > Schemas.

  2. Create a New Schema:

    • Click Create Schema.
    • Enter Schema ID: city-temp-schema.
    • Type: Select Avro.
    • Definition: Paste the schema definition above.
    • Click Create.

Note: The schema defines a record with fields for city, temperature, pressure, and time position.

Creating a Pub/Sub Topic Using a Schema

Now, we'll create a topic named temp-topic that uses the city-temp-schema schema for message validation.


  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub Topics:

    Click on Topics in the left-hand menu.

  2. Create a New Topic:

    • Click Create Topic.
    • Topic ID: Enter temp-topic.
    • Message Encoding: Choose Avro.
    • Schema Settings:
      • Select Schema: Choose city-temp-schema.
      • Schema Enforcement: Ensure that messages are validated against the schema.
    • Click Create.

Note: Any messages published to temp-topic must conform to the city-temp-schema schema.

Publishing Messages with Schema Validation

To publish messages that conform to the schema:

  1. Use Cloud Shell or Client Library:

    You can publish messages using the Google Cloud SDK or a client library (e.g., Python, Java).

  2. Sample Message in Avro Format:

      "city": "New York",
      "temperature": 22.5,
      "pressure": 1013,
      "time_position": "2023-10-01T12:00:00Z"
  3. Publish the Message:

    Use the appropriate method to publish the message to temp-topic. Ensure the message adheres to the schema.

Creating a Cloud Function Triggered by Pub/Sub

Cloud Functions can respond to events from various sources, including Pub/Sub topics. We'll create a Cloud Function named gcf-pubsub that triggers when messages are published to a topic named gcf-topic.


  1. Navigate to Cloud Functions:

    Click on Navigation Menu > Cloud Functions.

  2. Create a New Function:

    • Click Create Function.
    • Function Name: Enter gcf-pubsub.
    • Environment: Choose 1st gen.
    • Region: Select your preferred region.
    • Click Next.
  3. Configure Trigger:

    • Trigger Type: Select Cloud Pub/Sub.
    • Topic: Select gcf-topic. If it doesn't exist, create it.
    • Click Next.
  4. Function Code:

    • Runtime: Choose your preferred language (e.g., Python 3.9).

    • Entry Point: For Python, the default is pubsub.

    • Code Sample (Python):

      import base64
      def pubsub(event, context):
          if 'data' in event:
              message = base64.b64decode(event['data']).decode('utf-8')
              print(f"Received message: {message}")
              print("No data found in the message.")
    • Click Deploy.

  5. Test the Function:

    • Publish a message to gcf-topic and verify that the function logs the message.

Note: Ensure that the service account associated with Cloud Functions has the necessary Pub/Sub permissions.

Automating Tasks with Cloud Scheduler

Cloud Scheduler allows you to schedule jobs to run at specified times or intervals. We'll set up a cron job that publishes messages to a Pub/Sub topic.

Enabling the Cloud Scheduler API

  1. Enable API:

    • Navigate to APIs & Services > Library.
    • Search for Cloud Scheduler API.
    • Click Enable.

Creating a Scheduled Job

  1. Navigate to Cloud Scheduler:

    Click on Navigation Menu > Cloud Scheduler.

  2. Create a Job:

    • Click Create Job.
    • Name: Enter my-scheduled-job.
    • Frequency: Use cron syntax (e.g., */5 * * * * to run every 5 minutes).
    • Timezone: Select your timezone.
    • Click Continue.
  3. Configure the Target:

    • Target Type: Select Pub/Sub.
    • Topic: Choose temp-topic or any topic you prefer.
    • Message Body: Enter a message, e.g., Automated message from Cloud Scheduler.
    • Click Create.

Verifying Job Execution

  1. Check Job Status:

    In the Cloud Scheduler dashboard, you should see your job listed with its next run time.

  2. Verify Messages:

    Use Cloud Shell or a subscriber to pull messages from the topic to confirm the job is publishing messages as expected.

Getting Started with Pub/Sub Lite

Pub/Sub Lite is designed for workloads with predictable traffic patterns, offering a cost-effective alternative for high-throughput messaging.

Creating a Lite Topic

  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub Lite:

    Click on Navigation Menu > Pub/Sub > Lite Topics.

  2. Create a Lite Topic:

    • Click Create Lite Topic.
    • Topic ID: Enter my-lite-topic.
    • Location: Choose a zone (e.g., us-east4-a).
    • Throughput and Storage: Configure as needed.
    • Click Create.

Creating a Lite Subscription

  1. Navigate to Lite Subscriptions:

    Click on Lite Subscriptions.

  2. Create a Lite Subscription:

    • Click Create Lite Subscription.
    • Subscription ID: Enter my-lite-subscription.
    • Topic: Select my-lite-topic.
    • Delivery Requirement: Choose your preferred option.
    • Click Create.

Sending and Receiving Messages with Python


  • Python 3 installed.

  • Pub/Sub Lite client library installed:

    pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-pubsublite

Sending Messages


from import PublisherClient
from import CloudRegion, CloudZone, TopicPath

# Replace with your project number and zone information
project_number = 'YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER'
cloud_region = 'us-east4'
zone_id = 'a'
topic_id = 'my-lite-topic'

location = CloudZone(CloudRegion(cloud_region), zone_id)
topic_path = TopicPath(project_number, location, topic_id)

with PublisherClient() as publisher_client:
    data = "Hello, Pub/Sub Lite!"
    api_future = publisher_client.publish(topic_path, data.encode("utf-8"))
    message_id = api_future.result()
    print(f"Published message ID: {message_id}")

Run the script:


Receiving Messages


from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError
from import SubscriberClient
from import CloudRegion, CloudZone, SubscriptionPath, FlowControlSettings

project_number = 'YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER'
cloud_region = 'us-east4'
zone_id = 'a'
subscription_id = 'my-lite-subscription'
timeout = 90  # seconds

location = CloudZone(CloudRegion(cloud_region), zone_id)
subscription_path = SubscriptionPath(project_number, location, subscription_id)

flow_control_settings = FlowControlSettings(
    bytes_outstanding=10 * 1024 * 1024,

def callback(message):
    print(f"Received message: {'utf-8')}")

with SubscriberClient() as subscriber_client:
    streaming_pull_future = subscriber_client.subscribe(
    print(f"Listening for messages on {subscription_path}...")

    except TimeoutError:

Run the script:


You should see:

Listening for messages on projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/locations/us-east4-a/subscriptions/my-lite-subscription...
Received message: Hello, Pub/Sub Lite!


In this guide, we've explored:

  • Pub/Sub with Schemas: Defining and enforcing message structures for data integrity.
  • Creating Cloud Functions Triggered by Pub/Sub: Responding to real-time events with serverless functions.
  • Automating Tasks with Cloud Scheduler: Scheduling jobs to automate workflows.
  • Getting Started with Pub/Sub Lite: Leveraging a cost-effective messaging service for predictable workloads.

By integrating these services, you can build robust, scalable, and efficient applications on Google Cloud Platform.

Next Steps:

  • Experiment: Try extending the examples, such as adding error handling or processing messages in batch.
  • Integrate: Use these services in your applications to enhance functionality.
  • Optimize: Monitor performance and costs, adjusting configurations as needed.


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